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Best bra for the gym

Best bra for the gym

Have you ask yourself which one is the Best bra for the gym? It’s coming to that time of the year where we all allow ourselves to put on a little extra weight because it’s getting colder...this is usually the excuse we tend to use, so we can eat anything and everything in sight. As well as this, big holidays are coming up such as Thanksgiving and Christmas which obviously both involves dining like royalty with your family, eating large meals which are usually twice the size of what we have daily and again, piling on the pounds. We then slide through the months, get to around June and realize we haven’t got the ‘summer body’ we want and we wonder why. But, there’s always the other handful of people which hit the gym as part of their daily routine, no excuses (these are the people I envy.) Do they...
by Bras Honey on October 30, 2015





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